Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow Days...

      So I am always saying how I never have enough time, but honestly in the past 2 weeks I have been home more than I have been out. The snow has been absolutely out of control and my kids have had 6 snow days and one 2 hour delay. Our crazy "never standing still" kind of life has come to a screeching snowy halt. It's actually a bit strange to me and I'm now trying to come up with activities to keep the kiddos busy. Feel free to add your own ideas in the comment section below.
   Activity 1: Build an indoor fort. Remember when we were growing up and we would take couch cushions and sheets to stretch across chairs? We had so much fun and you know your own kids would have a blast building it and playing in it. Here's a link:

Activity 2: Let's play in some glow in the dark bath water! This is a very safe activity using the wonderful properties of tonic water. They can have lots of fun whether they are in the water actually taking a bath or playing with a variety of water toys... glow in the dark makes everything more fun!  Click the link to see more. :-)

Activity 3: Play Tic Tac Toe.... Giant Style!  Take any color duct tape and tape down a board on your floor and then use paper plates upside down as the game pieces. This is a simple game, that when it is enlarged, it can be even more fun!

Activity 4: Make rocket balloons! You first need to tie of some string from one chair to another and feed two straws on each string. Each person will then blow up a balloon (do not tie it) and tape the straw to the balloon. On the count of 3, they will release the balloons and see who wins.. :-) I think this is a lot of fun!

Much Love,